
Fall 2020 senior interactive studio academic project.
My Role
Team lead & UI/UX lead.
In this semester-long project, I worked with a team of four students to create a mobile & VR app duo called showVRse. I conducted user research and created personas and user journey maps from my findings. I helped conduct business research by comparing direct and indirect competitors, determining our competitive advantage, and defining our marketplace. I helped define our brand identity by creating a moodboard, color palette, and providing feedback. I mocked our mobile app through designing wireframes and creating an interactive prototype. As the team lead I set due dates and timelines, divided tasks, and provided feedback. Lastly, I wrote a research proposal paper based on our project.
Through the app users would watch live-streamed concerts from multiple angles in 360 degrees, either on the mobile app itself, or through a VR headset for a more immersive experience. The app would offer free and paid shows, as set by the artists, as well as on demand and live options. It would also include a social aspect through breakout chat rooms, similar to attending concerts with friends in real life.​​​​​​​
Since COVID-19, many musicians & concert venues have had to cancel shows, losing thousands if not millions of dollars, & leaving live music lovers deprived of the concert experience. But even excluding the pandemic, many people cannot attend live shows because of cost, capacity, location or safety. ShowVRse provides a way for people to “attend” concerts from the safety of their homes, and for musicians to still make money.
Two surveys were sent out to a diverse audience with over 100 responses, including college students, parents, children, friends, grandparents, etc. The first survey was for general users while the second was solely for musicians. Based on the surveys and online research, our target audience of 17-24 year olds (rated 17+ or T for Teen) was determined. A condensed version of the results is showcased below, but the full questionnaire and results can be found here:
User - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11n5LODABp1OxfUprTKkXBqXFLG3tcI_N41SL75WpQIU/edit#responses
Musician - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RPU99vN1QLFbT93gJS7JapfNHLpwTtzDaayBz4nF9-c/edit#responses
Additional research was conducted as well, including business, technical, and creative. We compared two direct and two indirect competitors, and determined what our competitive advantages were in our marketplace. My teammate researched what technology would be needed, as well as the cost. Another teammate conducted brand research on colors, fonts, and styling. I then helped determine features of the mobile and VR app based on research.
While I was not in charge of branding, I assisted throughout the process by providing feedback on logos and typography, creating the color palette, and designing a moodboard. My teammate compiled the brand assets into a guide, and created some merch mockups, an ad, and a virtual concert poster.
I designed and prototyped the ShowVRse mobile app myself. Below showcases my process, starting with sketches & moodboards, moving to wireframe mockups, and ending with an interactive polished prototype. Throughout, I tested my design on friends, family, and peers to gather and implement feedback. The entire walkthrough demo of the app can be found in the Promo Video at the top.
While I was not in charge of the VR app, my teammate and I communicated back and forth on UI elements and overall aesthetics in order to keep our app designs cohesive. Below showcases the VR app design process, ending with a short demo of the VR space. The entire walkthrough demo of the VR app can be found in the Promo Video at the top.
To conclude, I wrote a research proposal paper based on our project that contains the problems that our project attempts to solve, how our project solves them, an in depth analysis of all research conducted, the logistics of materials, cost and revenue, as well as an annotated bibliography. Click the button below to read the paper.

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